Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Empty Sukkah

Image result for sukkah

Here we are in the middle of Sukkot and I am away from my sukkah helping a relative move across the state. I had originally imagined various ushpuzim (guests) invited night to night and all the fun we would have. I traditionally spend at least one night in the sukkah with my boys and I am hoping that is to come.
This year as I made it through the High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) I contemplated the judgments of G-d and the seasons He ordains through His appointed times to quicken us to spiritual realities and address sins, open and hidden in our lives. I did not expect that a sin I had hidden many years ago would be revealed much to my shame and to the distress of my family and some friends, my shame made bare to all.
I knew there were things I needed to address, but I thought I could handle it. It wasn't that bad, was it? My Ezer Kenedgo (help-meet) had stated dire consequences if I did not address the slips of my heart.  Much to my dismay, as already stated, revelations from the past exposed me, and all I stand for was questioned and discarded by those I sought to guide, lead and bring up.
I built my sukkah with all this in mind. I was driven to do so. Not because it would be filled in the Season of Our Joy with friends and family, but in faith I built up this tabernacle that it might represent my own house that was threatened by destruction.
As Torah lovers know, our Messiah was born on the first day of Sukkot, the Word of G-d tabernacling in flesh, being found in fashion as a man, humbled.
As I walk into the New Year naked, ashamed and humbled, I am depending solely on the Indwelling Messiah to save my family and myself. I have no other hope, Come Lord Yeshua! Quickly!

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