After seeing that the Sabbath Queen is the redeemed Gentiles and Jews from all nations, I turned to look at the groom, the Lord of the Sabbath.
The story begins in Luke chapter 6. The disciples of Yeshua, are harvesting heads of wheat, rubbing them between their hands, and eating the kernels as a snack. The Pharisees classified this as work. Yeshua responded, pointing to the story of King David in 1 Samuel 21:6 where David and his men eat the showbread of the Tabernacle.
The 12 loaves of showbread were placed on the Table of Showbread every Sabbath. On the next Sabbath they were replaced, and according to Leviticus 24:5-9, they were given to the Levites for food.
John comments that Yeshua was declaring that as David was Lord of the Sabbath, he, Yeshua was also.
The Sabbath is a prequel of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, therefore David, as King, and Messianic progenitor, could eat the shewbread prepared on the Sabbath for the King.
Yeshua, as the Messianic King, of course, could partake of the sabbath meal!
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