Monday, October 19, 2009

The Star of David

Synagogue wall in Capernaum

Recently some friends told us that they had “found out” that the Magen David, the Star of David was originally a cult or pagan symbol. This post is for them.

The Magen David (shield of David, or as it is more commonly known, the Star of David) is a universally recognized symbol of Judaism today, but it is actually thought to be a relatively new Jewish symbol.

Here are some meanings and origins:

1. It is the shape of King David's shield. Its association with King David comes mostly from Jewish legend. For instance, there is a midrash which says that when David was a teen he fought the enemy King Nimrod. David's shield was composed of two interlocking triangles attached to the back of a round shield and at one point the battle became so intense that that the two triangles were fused together. David won the battle and the two triangles were henceforth known as the Shield of David.

2. It is a picture of David’s name. If you look at the ancient Hebrew which was the Paleo-Hebrew you can then see what the Shield of David really means. David's name in Hebrew is spelled Dalet-Vav-Dalet. Take the Vav out and then you got 2 Dalet's. Now in the Paleo-Hebrew the Dalet is a triangle so basicly the Shield of David is a Dalet intertwined with a Dalet which makes of David's name in Hebrew.

3. It represents God’s sovereignty. The middle letter "Vav" means six - The six pointed star. The six-points symbolize that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions: North, South, East, West, Up and Down. King David used this symbol in the battlefield on his shield as a symbol of God’s sovereignty.

4. It is (David’s) a nickname for God. In the Babylonian Talmud the Star of David is used as a nickname of God: "Bless you (Baruch Ata) the Star of David." (see Psalms 3:3, 28:7, 33:20, 59:11)

5. It’s Gematria: The Gematria (numerical value) of the word "Magen" has the number 93 ("Mem" = 40, "Gimel" = 3 and "Nun" = 50). In Gematria you can add the digits of a number and the sum of those numbers can have significance. So it is in this case. If you take the number 93 and view it as 9 plus 3, it equals 12, like the Twelve Tribes of Israel. The word "David" has the number 14 ("Dalet" = 4, "Vav" = 6 and "Dalet" = 4). If you take the number 14 and view it as 1 plus 4, it equals 5. The five is the number for the fifth letter in Hebrew, which is "Hey," the letter for Adonai (God).

6. It signifies the number seven. According to Judaic sources, the Star or Shield of David with its six points plus the center.

7. It is a Messianic symbol. "There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel" (Numbers 24:17)] is about King David.

8. God and the Jews: The two overlapping triangles, God reaching down and the Jews reaching up.

9. The Twelve Tribes: There are twelve sides on the star.

Here is some of its chronology:

The Star of David symbol first appeared on a Jewish seal dating from 700 B.C. found in the ancient city of Sidon (a port city in Lebanon).
On a wall of a room, Megiddo 9 BCE
On a seal belonging to Joshua b. Asayahu, Sidon, 7 BCE
On jar handles found by archeologist Sukenik, Israel, 1 BCE
In a synagogue, Capernaum, 3 CE
On a Jewish tombstone, Taranto, 3 CE
On a rock excavated at a synagogue, Eshtamoa, 3 CE
The phrase "Magen David" was first mentioned in the Babylonian Talmud. The great Rabbi Bar-Shila said: The tefillah (prayer) grows a horn of salvation, the Haftarah - Magen David.
The Star of David is pictured in the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad Codex, dated 1008.
The earliest known Jewish text to directly mention the symbol is Eshkol Ha-Kofer by the Karaite Judah Hadassi, in the mid-12th century CE.
In the 17th century, it became a popular practice to put Magen Davids on the outside of synagogues, to identify them as Jewish houses of worship in much the same way that a cross identified a Christian house of worship.

The Magen David gained popularity as a symbol of Judaism when it was adopted as the emblem of the Zionist movement in 1897.

Because of its legendary connection with David, ancestor of the Messiah, it was regarded as a messianic symbol by German Jews. On Sabbath Eve they would light a star-shaped brass oil lamp called a Judenstern (Jewish star), emblematic of the idea that Shabbat was a foretaste of the Messianic Age.

Today, the Magen David appears on the flag of the state of Israel, and the Israeli equivalent of the Red Cross is known as the Magen David Adom.

Now all of the above is interesting, but I’ve left out the most significant reason that proves this symbol is not occultic or pagan, but prophetical and profound.

A "Messianic Seal" from Jerusalem has been rediscovered after 2,000 years. This ancient symbol was found on Mount Zion.

It is believed to have been created and used by the Jewish believers who called themselves Nazarenes. Three companies -- Olim Creative Products of Tiberias, News About Israel (NAI) of Jerusalem, and Christian Floral Delivery of Colorado -- jointly announced the discovery of this ancient symbol, which has been copyrighted by NAI. It consists of three separate but integrated symbols: a menorah at the top, a Star of David in the middle, and a fish at the bottom. In each of the renditions of the three-part symbol the star is created by interlacing the stand of the menorah with the tail of the fish. The Messianic Seal was found etched or inscribed on eight ancient artifacts. The artifacts were presented to Ludwig Schneider, editor in chief of NAI's magazine Israel Today, in 1990. They came from Tech Otecus, an elderly monk who lived as a hermit in the Old City of Jerusalem. Otecus said that in the 1960's he had personally excavated about 40 artifacts bearing the Messianic Seal from an ancient grotto located in the immediate vicinity of the Upper Room on Mount Zion. What was once the main entrance to the grotto is now covered with a jail-like heavy wire mesh enclosure. Its door, leading down into the ancient mikveh, is tightly secured with a heavy chain and lock. According to Schneider, the last remaining entry to the grotto was sealed shortly after he excitedly told the priests at the local monastery about the discovery of the Messianic Seal. Schneider photographed eight artifacts which were given to him by Otecus, and showed the pictures to the curator of the Israel Museum. "When he had carefully studied my pictures," Schneider recalled, "the curator immediately promised me that these artifacts and their unique symbol were an important find. He told me that the museum already had seen other artifacts bearing the same three-part symbol from some other sources he did not specify."

According to Bob Fischer, president of Olim Creative Products and co-author with local historian and artist Reuven Schmalz of their book, The Messianic Seal of the Jerusalem Church, the ancient three-part symbol has, since 135 AD, been suppressed by various Israeli groups or agencies, such as the Israel Museum and Orthodox rabbis in the Old City of Jerusalem. According to Fischer, at least two of the eight artifacts were obviously ceremonial pieces which may well have been used by James the Just, the brother of Jesus, who is said to be the first bishop of the church, or perhaps even by one or more of the Twelve Apostles.

One of the eight artifacts is a brick-sized block of well-worn local marble. This piece bears an etched version of the Messianic Seal with a Tav (the last letter in the Paleo-Hebrew alefbeit that looks exactly like a sign of the cross) in the eye of the fish symbol, as well as the ancient Aramaic lettering proclaiming the use of this artifact as a stand to hold a vial of anointing oil. The ancient Aramaic is transliterated as, "La Shemen Ruehon" (For the Oil of the Spirit). Another of the eight artifacts is a small, almost intact, vial which could well have sat on top of the marble stand.



  1. Thanks for taking the time to write this post. I have often wondered how to give a rebuttal for its supposed pagan origins to those who offer proof it is.
    I am wondering, though if you are making a case for it not having pagan roots, or just making a case for its current (rewritten)symbolism not being pagan. What I mean by that is that in Christianity, pagan symbols have been 'rewritten' with 'Christian' meaning and symbolism so that the pagan roots are rather hidden. But are still there. In the interest of being able to articulate this to those naysayers who believe it has pagan origins, may I ask a few follow up questions?
    How does #1, a legend, prove it does not have pagan origins?
    #2 why take out the Vav of David's name? what is the significance of taking the vav out, except to make it fit the star pattern?
    #3 from what source do you get that vav means 6? rather than being the 6th letter in the Hebrew alefbeit? How do we know gematria does not have pagan origins?
    #4is talmud, written between 3 and 5th century a good source for what was acceptable to YHVH in ancient Israel? Is talmud pleasing to YHVH?
    #5 see #3
    #6 are Judaic sources free from pagan influence themselves???? (likewise are Christian sources?)

    # 7,8,9 how do these meanings convey that the symbol itself did not come from pagan sources but were 'rewritten' with new meaning? (think golden calf of Egyptian religion being renamed as the God who brought you out of Egypt)
    And finally, given that Israel was condemned to exile for their pagan ways, how reliable are aritifacts in showing the heart of YHVH and not just the pagan ways that man used to worship Him?
    again, thanks for your post!

  2. Wow! That's alot of questions!
    Here's some answers:
    1. Does legend prove validity? No. Jewish stories are memory tools to teach a deeper truth, many point to Yeshua as Moshiach. (See posts to come!)
    3. Yes, 6th letter, value six. Just as man created on 6th day, number for man is 6.
    I do not know the "origins" of Gematria, but if it glorifies Yeshua, I'm in. (see later post)
    4. Paul endorses the Oral Law in the New Testament and as John said "the testimony of Yeshua is the spirit of prophecy". Like Jewish legends, a lot of the Talmud points to our Moshiach if you know where to look.(See post to come!)
    6. The New Testament has come down to us through Hebrew minds through a Hellenized Jewish culture, Greek translation, Latin translation, Old English translation and finally modern English. On the way it picked up many things that were not in sync with the original ideas. I am guessing the Talmud did too. As it was written in Babylon and Israel it may have some things stuck to it also. Never the less, the more I study it, the more I see Hashem behind it revealing his Moshiach.
    7.The most significant thing I wanted to present in this post was the ingraving on the clay vessel. It is prophetic in that it shows Jew and Gentile coming together. It was found in a location where the early believers met. It was on an anointing vessel which I think is also significant.
    The fish symbol (though used by the Philistines for Dagon the Fish God) was used by the early believers based on the words of Yeshua (you shall be fishers of men) and the prophecies of Jeremiah 16:16 & Ezekiel 47:9,10.
    8. Israel was condemned for idolatry. But Israel is still dispersed except for those who have heard the calling out of the Moshiach.(see 4-part post: Not My People?) The Jews were "cast off" so the world could be reconciled to God (see Romans 11:15)
    Thanks for reading!

  3. Sorry, but if you are using the Talmud and not the Torah you are misled...

    Also the 6 pointed star supposed to represent the star of David, has not relevance to God, it has relevance to the Synagogue of Satan who use this 6 side star but coloured red...

    with respect, but maybe you could do some unbiased research....

    My anscestors are the same as the people who created the state of Israel and they created the star of david and they DO NOT FOLLOW OR BELIEVE the TORAH as given to Moses,

    They follow and believe the Man written handed down by mouth the words of the saduccees and pharasees who Mesiah called vipers and threw them out of the temple....

    I try to do my research and I dont practise Judean who by the way are the only true people left from the Torah as God threw the tribes that made up Israel out and scattered them for their idolotry and unfathfulness to God,,,,,, Its a shame....

    I also dont follow the Akanzi jews who are now in control of the man made state of Israel, and a forgery.... God did not give people the land of Israel, read your Torah, God dispersed them until Mesiah comes again.....
